Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pray Without Ceasing

     I never really understood this verse, I still struggle with it somedays. How can anyone do anything without ceasing, nonstop, constantly? I like to sleep, but I couldn't do that nonstop, I love to snuggle with my handsome mechanic husband, but I couldn't even do that nonstop, so how can I pray without ceasing?
     I have almost grasped the concept though, almost, maybe, I think? I like to talk, and say whatever I am thinking, whenever I think it, whether it is a good time or not. I am quick to make assumptions, to judge, especially with my mechanic. I like to bring things up that have hurt me, over and over.
     I also like to be compassionate, to listen if you need someone to listen, to give advice if you ask for it. I like to care, and let you know that I am there for you. In all of these areas, the ones of needing to not talk, and the ones of needing to know what to say, prayer is my only answer.
     I think that is what Paul meant when he said to 'pray without ceasing'. Pray many times throughout the day, about every situation you find yourself in. No, I don't pray constantly, but I can quickly pray whenever I need to know what God wants me to do in a certain situation. And honestly, at the end of the day, as I am laying in bed, after saying prayers with my mechanic, I love those few moments of praying, of thanking God for His wonderful gifts to me, and of asking what I can do better.
     'Pray without ceasing', a lesson I am close to grasping.