Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

We are Truck People

I love living in a small country town, where it seems almost everyone drives a truck, where I drive a truck, wearing my cute skirt and shirt, listening to some country music. Have you ever noticed that country music sounds better in a truck? Well, it does!
There are so many songs as a tribute to trucks, with lyrics such as ‘there’s somethin bout a truck’, there’s somethin women love about a pickup man’, and many others. Country people love their trucks, and I’m proud to say that now I’m one of them. :)
     Here is my mechanic's favorite song, and probably favorite video devoted to trucks. Enjoy!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

I don't have to be perfect

God has asked  me to be a lot, to be His daughter, to be a living witness for Him, to be my mechanic's wifeykins, to be a mommy to be to our munchkin, but there is one thing He has not asked me to be, He has not asked me to be perfect. When the house isn't fully cleaned and I am going to take a nap, when I have barely managed to get dressed and then sit on the couch and read all day and knit, it's okay.
I have always tried to live my life like I am the perfect angel, like I have everything under control, but I don't always. And you know what? That's okay! :) As long as I have a smile on my face, and somewhat of a supper ready for my mechanic, right now, it is okay. I am not using that I feel super sick as an excuse, and I have been trying to follow my daily routine, that I have called my Calmness routine.
So, thank goodness, God has not called me to be perfect, and I need to convince myself of that! :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pray Without Ceasing

     I never really understood this verse, I still struggle with it somedays. How can anyone do anything without ceasing, nonstop, constantly? I like to sleep, but I couldn't do that nonstop, I love to snuggle with my handsome mechanic husband, but I couldn't even do that nonstop, so how can I pray without ceasing?
     I have almost grasped the concept though, almost, maybe, I think? I like to talk, and say whatever I am thinking, whenever I think it, whether it is a good time or not. I am quick to make assumptions, to judge, especially with my mechanic. I like to bring things up that have hurt me, over and over.
     I also like to be compassionate, to listen if you need someone to listen, to give advice if you ask for it. I like to care, and let you know that I am there for you. In all of these areas, the ones of needing to not talk, and the ones of needing to know what to say, prayer is my only answer.
     I think that is what Paul meant when he said to 'pray without ceasing'. Pray many times throughout the day, about every situation you find yourself in. No, I don't pray constantly, but I can quickly pray whenever I need to know what God wants me to do in a certain situation. And honestly, at the end of the day, as I am laying in bed, after saying prayers with my mechanic, I love those few moments of praying, of thanking God for His wonderful gifts to me, and of asking what I can do better.
     'Pray without ceasing', a lesson I am close to grasping.

Friday, July 29, 2011

I am out from hiding

It has been forever since I have last posted, but life has been crazy. Getting ready for the wedding, continuing to unpack, and now having company for three weeks makes for one crazy life. It has been fun though :) the hardest part is that life is so crazy so mr. mechanic and i barely get to see each other :(
On a great note though, I have my wedding dress!! And my house is clean! And staying up until 3:30 isn't all that bad. On Monday, I will do a complete wedding planning recap, but until then, I will have a busy busy fun weekend :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Some Firsts :)

Wow! Well this week has been a week of many, many, many firsts. On Monday, we went swimming for the first time this year, it was such a refreshing little swim. On Monday, I also drove a car hauling a trailer for the first time. I think I scared my mechanic half out of his mind. (Oops!) On Tuesday, I woke up at 7 for the first time in a long time. On Wednesday, I helped with firewood for the first time this year, and I forgot how much I loved doing firewood! On Thursday, I hooked up the trailer to the car, all by myself, and did it right!! :)
On Thursday, we made our wedding invitations! and also painted some decorations as well. That was definitely a first for both of us ;) On Friday, I met two hermit crabs and found out that this girl, is way scared of hermit crabs.
That was my week for you, full of many, many firsts. Coming up soon, I will share pictures of our heart decorations that we made. :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

To Do Thursday

Call me crazy, but I like to do my weekly to do list in middle of the week, when I also plan a weekly menu and shopping list. This week I keep adding and adding to my weekly to do list, and I have no idea how it will all get done. Once I am all unpacked, then it will be so much shorter, but as of right now, I have quite the long weekly to do list.

~Wash Windows, the windows definitely need some attention, inside and out, and since I now have some wonderful new lace curtains hanging up in them, I really want some shiny windows.

~Wash Mirrors, there are some delightful mirrors in the house, but they need some attention as well.

~Make Bread, I love homemade bread, and having a bread maker in the summer is a cheating way to do bread, but it doesn't heat up the house, which is always wonderful!

~Laundry, I am trying to only do laundry once a week, so on it goes the to do list. I really enjoy doing laundry, but I need to definitely get better about taking care of it once it is folded.

~Bedroom! I need to put the bed where I want it, and make it, I need to organize my vanity, I need to organize my closet, (by color and length), I need to rearrange it so it is all nice and perfect.

~Vacuum, I hate, hate, hate! vacuuming, which is why it only happens once a week, but the floors need attention as well.

I am pretty sure that is all I have, but I know that everyday I will get much more added to it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

He is

Yep, that's him! :) My mechanic. And that is me next to him, so that is truly a picture of the beauty and the mechanic. He is the man that makes my heart smile whenever he smiles. He is the man who makes me want to try harder to be a better woman for him. He is the man who is cutest when he is all covered in dirt and grease. He is the man who when he is all dirty still gives me hugs and spins me around. 
He is the man who is always there for me, no matter what. He is the man who loves me more than anything, even his truck. He is the man who is teaching me to be his little assistant. He is the man who calls me beautiful even when I am wearing dirty jeans and a t shirt, and my hair is a mess. He is the man who grills the best chicken I have ever had. He is the man who I am so proud to say is mine.
He is the man whose ring I so proudly wear. He is the man who is not perfect, but then again, neither am I. He is the man who loves holding my hand whenever we are in the car. He is the man who makes me laugh, even when I really don't want to. He is the man who I love to call my mechanic. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

I am

That is me, not quite your average beauty, but my mechanic seems to think that I am a beauty, so that is who I am. I am also just a girl trying to figure out life, and how to be the best girl I can be. I am a girl who loves to read, but really needs to make more time for it. I am a girl who is not afraid to go out and get dirty, but I will be wearing flip flops and have my toes all nice and painted while I am doing it. 
I am the girl who loves to talk, and who many say talks too much. I am the girl who will throw my whole heart into something, and will probably not stop until the project is done. I am the girl who loves her mechanic, her family, and her Savior with all her heart. I am the girl who is trying to be the best for her mechanic, and who oftentimes ends up coming up short. 
I am the girl whose main ambition in life is to have the perfect house with the perfect supper on the table every night. I am the girl who is trying to learn that when she messes up, she is not a failure. I am the girl who wants to visit the world, starting with Boston. I am the girl who loves to write. I am the girl who tries to always have a smile on her face even when things are not going her way. I am that girl, and so much more. I am his beauty, so his beauty I will be. :)