Monday, December 31, 2012

I'm back!

I am back! If anyone has missed me, that is. :) One of my goals and plans for the new year is to do more with my blog. I have some ideas of topics I want to cover, and things I want to share. I want to do posts on natural living, attachment parenting, being a Christian wife and mother, homekeeping tips and tricks, along with other topics.

Last time I posted, I was pregnant, and now little man is 7 months old. He is growing up so fast, and is learning so much everyday. Mommy is his favorite person, with Daddy as a very close second now. I am planning on sharing his birth story soon, because everyone loves a good birth story.

I am so excited to see what this year has in store for me, and I am planning on documenting it all for you to see. Lets see if I can stick to my blogging this year. :)

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