Saturday, February 16, 2013

My life-yes it's a sacrifice

The other day I talked about how our lives are a living sacrifice, and how every day, many times a day we need to give our lives up as a sacrifice. I also said I would share some ways that we can be a living sacrifice.

The first way, and the most important way, is to give our day to God, ask Him to direct how your day will go, and follow His commands that He gives us. It isn't always easy to follow His commands, but as I said in the previous post, being a sacrifice isn't easy, and sometimes it is just plain painful.

One of His commands is to love Him and put Him first. I do this by doing my devotion first thing in the morning. Wilbur gets up at the same time as me, so it is just me reading a chapter of the Bible, but I do that first, and pray to get my mind in the right spot. I also have the radio on most of the time, listening to praise songs to keep my mind in the right spot.

Another command is for wives to respect their husbands. I like my own way, I like doing my own thing, but I need to put Ken first, that is what God asks of me, and it is a way to be a sacrifice, and to give myself for others. When he asks me for something, I need to get up with a smile on my face, and respect his wishes. I am definitely a huge work in progress on this, and I probably always will be, but I am working on it.

I need to be a living sacrifice when I care for Wilbur. Sometimes it is hard, sometimes I do not want to rock him for another minute, sometimes I want to sleep all night without needing to nurse him, sometimes I want to clean the kitchen without an 'interruption', but I need to listen to God when He says children are a blessing, and realize that I am raising Wilbur up not for myself, but for God.

Another way to be a living sacrifice is to trust God in everything, trust Him to lead me in the best way possible. Trust Him to lead Ken and I in the way He wants us to go. Again, is this easy? No, I like to know when things will happen, and what will happen, but that isn't having trust in God, that is having trust in myself, which isn't a good thing.

Do you have other ideas and ways you can be a living sacrifice? Leave a comment and let me know. :)

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